As of February 28, 2025, all integrations into the Accio Data platform must be registered with Accio Data. To register an integration with Accio Data, fill out the form below.

Note: If you are a software supplier, you need to allow each of your licensees to specify this information and each licensee must separately register their integration with us. This does not affect Accio Data 2 Accio Data vendors/clients.

Once registered, we will send you a registration access key. That access key will be associated with your IP addresses and only XML information with a valid access key/IP address combination will be accepted by our software.

Your XML will include the registration inside of the ScreeningResults XML as shown below:

<Company>Your Company Name</Company>
<version>Your freeform version information here</version>
<last_changed_date>The date that your integration software was last changed</last_changed_date>
<access_key>Your access key</access_key>
<name />
<phone_number />
<email />
<name />
<phone_number />
<email />